Chickens, Flowers, Goats, and Greens
In the middle of a newspaper article about recent Greek political
events, this interpolation surprised me: “After the meeting, a 51-year-old
woman was arrested outside the Maximos Mansion for throwing a live chicken into
the front yard of the building.” This strange sentence about a farm animal in
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s yard in Athens appeared in an otherwise unremarkable discussion about the leftist prime minister
and the new conservative centrist party leader, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who were
said to “find little common ground in [their] first meeting.” As Tsipras, his SYRIZA
colleagues, and their right-wing coalition partner ANEL prepare for their
attempt to push wildly unpopular pension reforms through parliament, Greece’s New
Democracy party chose 47 year old Mitsotakis as its leader and moved ahead in
polls. But in that news article, it was the woman with the chicken that really
stood out.
That interjection strikes me as very Greek. In addition to countless
stray cats and dogs, sheep and chickens share my semi-rural Cretan neighborhood.
Large flocks of sheep sometimes block the main road, and a herd of goats
regularly grazes just beyond the neighborhood, tended by a shepherd who keeps
it away from flower and vegetable gardens. The local roosters could turn into
dinner at any time, although the hens are valued for their eggs. Since middle-aged
and older women generally handle them, it’s not surprising that a 51 year old
woman was holding a live chicken. Only its appearance in Athens and intrusion
in the prime minister’s yard make this newsworthy. What was her point? That the
Prime Minister needs to think more about how people will pay for necessities if
taxes and social insurance contributions are increased? That chickens don’t
usually roam around the nation’s capital to offer sustenance to the hungry?
That proposed tax, insurance, and pension reforms could jeopardize the
livelihood of rural folks who provide the country’s meat and produce?
One day, I followed a goat path up a rocky, muddy hillside for an unimpeded view of a striking cloudscape. I was surprised by three dogs roaming around among the wild shrubs, where I generally meet no one. Looking up, I saw their owner and said (in Greek) “Hello! How are you?” “Happy New Year,” he responded (with the greeting of the month). Then, after a moment, “Do we know each other?” I didn’t think so, but he thought I was very polite. I considered it best to be friendly and noticeable, since some Cretan men with dogs carry hunting rifles.
On the hillside, I discovered that lavender buds were almost ready to
open in the warm sun of our mid-winter spring, and tiny purple thyme flowers
were blooming. I plucked a pinch of each and inhaled their scent. Higher up, I encountered
inch-wide daisy-shaped flowers with purple spots in the center and miniature
crocuses with six pointed white petals and bright yellow centers. As I crouched
down to photograph them, attempting to avoid thorny shrubs, I was startled to
hear the honks of some invisible geese. The honking was soon replaced by gentler
chirps, distant dog barks, and nearby bee buzzes.
Neckties and Tractors in the Streets
Refugees Resisted
Educated Greeks are leaving their country in search of jobs and opportunity, but over 50,000 refugees and migrants have arrived here just this month. Greece doesn’t know what to do with them, since there are no jobs to offer, the rest of Europe is resisting their entry, and European leaders cannot agree on a course of action. The proposal to redistribute 160,000 refugees in Greece and Italy throughout Europe has not been carried out (except for 414 people). The plan to pay Turkey to provide better conditions and support for the 2.2 million refugees there seems to have led to little reduction in migration to Greece so far. And now a Dutch politician has a new proposal: take several hundred thousand refugees from Turkey into Europe annually, but immediately return to Turkey those reaching Greece on smugglers’ boats. Aside from the fact that this would unjustly deny refugees’ right to have their asylum claims examined, I don’t see why that would work when the previous two proposals didn’t.
After almost two years here in Crete, three children, two women, and one man from three different refugee families continue to wait in a Chania hotel for reunification with their families in Germany and Sweden. These are some of the lucky ones who are not stuck in the violence and destruction of Syria or the overcrowding and poverty of a refugee camp—situations almost too horrible to dwell on, let alone dwell in. But think of this, which is easier to grasp: children and parents, wives and husbands have been separated from their formerly peaceful lives, their homes, and each other. Refugee families should be reunified promptly. They have lost everything else; at least let them have their families.
If Kenan Malik is right that “the key problem lies not at the level of policy at all, but at the level of attitude and perception,” your perception of the problems facing refugees, and your attitude toward these human beings, could make a difference. Think about how you would feel in their shoes. Imagine that.
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