The News in a (Large) Nutshell
is both ironic and unsurprising that I have not found time to post blog entries
in the two most anxiety-provoking months of Greece’s recent political and
economic crisis. I have enough material for a book (including 357 pages of news
clippings this month), but time is another story. I’ve spent many days nearly overwhelmed
by the dizzying array of disturbing news. I’ve spent other days caught up in
the daily lives of my family, my community, and my new Syrian refugee friends.
more details about the tumultuous Greek political and economic news (and its
effect on the olive oil industry), see my Olive Oil Times articles (more are linked on the right side of the page); or if you
already know the Greek news, skip to the next section. Here’s the news in a
nutshell: On June 27, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras broke off
negotiations with creditors and announced a referendum on whether Greece should
accept creditors’ terms for more loans. Then the European Central Bank (ECB)
stopped providing emergency liquidity assistance to Greek banks, the banks were
closed, capital controls were imposed, and the economy sank deeper into
depression. A majority of voters rejected creditors’ terms on July 5, but the
prime minister accepted a similar agreement with creditors in order to save Greece
from a sudden, chaotic exit from the Eurozone—which most Greeks do not want to
were running out of money because anxious depositors had been withdrawing their
savings, fearing losses in a bail-in or a change to a devalued drachma. On June
29, with banks closed, ATMs began dispensing only 60 euros per account per day;
after three weeks, an equivalent weekly limit replaced the daily one. Still in
effect even with banks open again, capital controls have made life difficult
for anyone trying to make major purchases, pay rent or bills, or run a farm or business,
deepening Greece’s depression.
Greece edged very close to a Grexit, the Greek parliament approved one
austerity agreement after another, albeit unwillingly, with the support of
Euro-friendly centrist opposition parties but without the support of about a
quarter of the members of parliament from Prime Minister Tsipras’s leftist
party, SYRIZA. Creditors required this approval in order to begin negotiations
on another loan package and other financial assistance. After the parliamentary
approval, Greece received a bridge loan to allow it to catch up on debt
repayments, and the ECB resumed limited emergency liquidity assistance to Greek
banks. Work on a third bailout agreement is beginning as the prime minister
tries to calm dissenters in his party who are opposed to the additional
austerity measures it is expected to require. The future of the SYRIZA-ANEL
radical leftist/right-wing nationalist governing coalition is uncertain.
Another round of national elections is likely this fall.
agree that reforms are desperately needed in Greece, but increasing numbers
admit that additional austerity measures and still more tax increases—such as
the sales tax increase already passed by Parliament—are unlikely to allow the
Greek economy to recover, let alone grow, in the midst of a depression. (See,
for example, this excellent article on why pensions should not be be cut more
than they already have been, and taxes should not have been raised more than
they already were: Pensions in Greece Feel the Pinch of Debt Negotiations.) It seems clear that
Greece requires some form of debt relief, since debt at 177% of the GDP is
unsustainable. Yet German leaders and their allies want to wait until fall to
discuss that.
Insecurity and
Frustration: Responses to Uncertainty and Limitations
before Tsipras called for a referendum, people were nervous. For example, my
mother in law said there was havoc at a bank in Piraeus on Friday morning, June
19, when the bank ran out of money and closed early, and customers shouted that
their money was being stolen from them. Even then, some were unsure if banks
would open the following Monday, and they naturally wanted access to their own
money in these hard times—wouldn’t you?
news has been more nerve wracking than at any other time during the Greek
economic crisis. With the dreaded capital controls, bank closings, and default
on part of the enormous Greek debt no longer a threat, but a reality, we also approached
the brink of a Grexit from the Eurozone, and many claim a Grexit could still
occur, although probably not this year. More and more people have been talking
about a return to the drachma, but I am relieved that it was avoided, at least for
now, because I believe it would lead to shortages of imported items such as
fuel and—most importantly—medicines. I do not think we would ever starve in
Crete, where agricultural products literally fall off the trees in my
neighborhood. (I have been collecting unwanted lemons, grapes, and figs lately,
and a neighbor has given me tomatoes from her garden.) But I am concerned about
Athens and other areas of less abundance, and about those whose lives depend on
imported medications.
rained the last Saturday morning in June (very unusual for that time, in
Crete), shortly after the prime minister announced the referendum. A Greek
neighbor said a supermarket employee commented, “so the Germans have taken our
sun from us, too.” Many consider the Germans’ and their allies’ hard line on austerity at least partly responsible for Greece’s continuing depression. Others blame the Greek government. I don’t
understand the logic of any of them.
was bewildered by Tsipras’s decision to hold a referendum, since that decision led
the ECB to cut off liquidity assistance and hence resulted in capital controls
that have cost the country a great deal in lost business. But I was even more
astonished when the prime minister urged parliament to support an agreement
most consider worse than the one voters rejected. Many Greeks were furious as
well as disappointed that all the hardship created by the bank closures and
capital controls accompanying the referendum decision was not followed by a
better deal for Greece, but (according to many) a worse one—in spite of the still-delayed
possibility of debt relief, which could have been discussed in any case. The
political developments of recent months have been unbelievable, but the social
and economic effects have been far too real.
people are struggling to keep going. With salaries and pensions already cut,
taxes already increased, and many just getting by before all that, how are they
to manage now? Between July 1 and July 24, Doctors of the World had 275
visitors to their free medical and social services clinic in Chania, mostly
unemployed Greeks. The doctors and social workers there do crucial work,
helping far more people than they did before the crisis, but they cannot
perform surgery there or provide endless supplies of medicine, let alone jobs. Soup
kitchens are super busy, charities are underfunded, and refugees have set up camp in an Athens park; too many people need help.
cicadas are prospering; there are so many this year that they often fly into me
when I walk under the trees here in semi-rural Crete. Greek people, however,
have had trouble sleeping after middle-of-the-night announcements and
parliamentary debates. I’ve seen dozens of people waiting in line at ATMs in
Chania since the Saturday of the referendum announcement. The roads were full
of traffic that Saturday, as everyone scrambled to supermarkets to stock up on
necessities and formed lines at gas stations that still had gas. Clothing and
cosmetic stores were largely deserted as people focused on the necessities.
However, aside from a few days of limited amounts of gasoline until payments to
gas suppliers could be arranged, I have seen no shortages in supermarkets or
pharmacies here at all, nor have I spoken to anyone in Greece who has seen
the other hand, businesspeople lacking funds to restock their stores are struggling.
NPR reported recently that the Athens Chamber of Tradesmen claims 15% of
businesses could close by September if capital controls continue, on top of the
250,000 already closed during the last five years, since Greece imports 70% of
the non-food items sold here, and imports are at a standstill with money
transfers abroad still restricted (Struggling Greek Businesses Choked By Money Controls.)
Other ordinary people are also running into problems: people like the retired
priest without a bank card who lives in a village where there was no bank open for
three weeks to provide the pension always claimed in cash; the educated dietician
who is working three jobs, including one as a store clerk, to earn 800 euros a
month, believing things can’t get any worse; the dentist unsure how she’d pay
for attendance, food, and lodging at a professional conference in Europe since
her credit and debit cards wouldn’t work outside Greece. And these are the
lucky ones who still have jobs (probably with reduced wages and benefits), not
the more than 25% of Greeks (or over half of young people) who are unemployed.
I’ve heard of some who get around a lack of cash by exchanging eggs from their
hens or tomatoes or greens from their gardens for a cooked meal.
Greeks feel insecure about their future in this time of crisis. Many are tired
of discussing all the problems, and the way the “solutions” offered are not
working, since more and more austerity (including too many tax increases) with
too little reform just doesn’t stimulate a depressed economy—or a depressed
population. Yet life goes on here—especially for the children, who do not yet
realize they will inherit whatever debt their parents’ generation of Europeans
does not forgive.
Remember the Children
of Greece
finishing sixth grade face a different sort of insecurity and a different kind
of change, reminding their parents that insecurity and change can be a normal part
of life, not only an aspect of crisis management. With my daughter saying
goodbye to her elementary school this year, the end of the academic year
featured even more gatherings than usual. Aside from the annual kung fu
demonstration and the yearly song and dance show featuring all the elementary
school classes, families participated in an evening of games in the schoolyard,
watched a Greek sixth graders’ version of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, and gathered for a night-time beach party.
may seem to confirm the myth that Greeks party too much to have real problems,
but I want to emphasize that the events I’m discussing all cost very little,
taking place outdoors or in public buildings, with no more money spent on
contributions than one would spend on a family meal, very basic costuming
assembled at home (plus one ten euro skirt), and virtually no scenery for the
performances. These events are not evidence that Greeks are lazy or
extravagant, but rather that they try hard to carry on as well as possible in
the face of severe economic difficulty—wages down by an average of about 21% in
the last five years, family incomes reduced by a third. (For some statistics,
see e.g. Greeks Worry About Bailout’s Push for an Economic Overhaul). Rather than giving
in to despair, most parents think a lot about their
children, and these events showed them making the most of creativity,
volunteerism, imagination, determination, and community spirit for the sake of
the kids.
year’s annual end of school performance by all the elementary school children
occurred too early in the day for working parents, shade, or comfortable
temperatures, unlike the usual evening gatherings. However, “Around the World
in 80 Minutes” featured joyful and sometimes impressive performances by the
children, with attempts at a variety of ethnic costumes and some striking songs
and dances. The show offered not only the expected stereotypical costumes and
mannerisms, but also a welcome exposure to songs sung in different languages,
including Chinese, Spanish, and Kannada (from India). It invited the
children—almost (but not quite) all of them 100% Greek--to imagine themselves belonging
to different cultures.
up at the dark starry sky during a lull in the party, when the fires had been
put out and I considered my kids fairly safe, I couldn’t remember it being such
a big deal to finish sixth grade, although I was scared of starting middle
school. On the other hand, I have been surprised by brief scents and tastes of
my childhood in the rare Greek raspberries that appeared in organic stores
twice this summer, and the campfires at the beach party—minus the marshmallows we
used to roast. I have a completely different life here than I did in the USA,
and I am not sure what will happen to that life in this time of crisis, but I
felt a sense of security as a member of a community of interwoven families at
the school parties and performances
With Refugees at the
Anti-Racist Festival and Tourists Enjoying the Greek Summer
refugees from Syria who are still in Chania after 15 months do not feel the same way. Separated from parts of their families as well as
their homeland, where their homes and belongings have been destroyed, waiting
to reunite with husbands, wives, fathers, or mothers in another strange land,
they probably feel far more insecurity than sixth graders, settled American
immigrants, or even many of the Greeks who are facing an economic crisis.
Attending Chania’s Anti-Racist Festival with some of the Syrian women and
children I’ve met this year gave me a very different perspective than I had at
last year’s festival. Sitting behind a table filled with their handmade
strawberry and bergamot preserves, date-filled Syrian cookies, and Arabic
calligraphy saying “My country is in my heart” and “No to racism” in what
looked more like beautiful paintings than writing to ignorant me, I used my
broken Greek to translate their somewhat limited English as they sold what they
had made, when our German friend wasn’t there with her more fluent Greek.
only occurred to me the next day that sitting behind a table next to Syrian
Muslim women who were covered in long coats and headscarves and walking around
the park with them and their children might have had more significance than
simply spending time outside with new friends, looking around, and stretching
our legs. After the attacks in Tunisia, France, and Kuwait at the end of last
month, I realized that literally standing by Muslim women and children, joking
with them, sharing food after sunset during Ramadan, tickling a little one’s
feet to cheer her up after an allergic reaction to insect bites, meant more
than I’d thought at the time. I just felt like I was relaxing with my new
friends, helping them get out of the small hotel rooms where they spend most of
their time, into a large park with anti-racist folks milling around, chatting,
sharing their ideas and literature, giving lectures, playing music, selling
food and drink, helping children with art projects, or reading fairytales with
an egalitarian twist. And of course I was doing all of that, too.
after the Anti-Racist Festival, some American friends visited us in Greece on
their way to Ukraine, where one of them has family and business partners. I
wondered if they’d been asked if they would visit Syria this summer, too. Of
course, their trip was planned long before anyone knew that Greek banks would
be closed and cash would become scarce, and they were heading for western
Ukraine rather than the trouble spots. Especially since my friends were coming
with plenty of cash, I encouraged them to continue their trip here as planned.
And like all the tourists I’ve heard of, they had a wonderful time here, with
no problems aside from luggage delayed by a non-Greek airline. The sea is still
a lovely clear aquamarine, the sky a brilliant blue. The mountains, gorges,
caves, monuments, museums, and beaches are still here. The Greeks my friends
met at their hotel, in Chania’s Old Port, at the Botanical Park of Crete, and
at various restaurants were friendly and helpful. My American friends were able
to do what they wished, and they would recommend Greece to anyone who can
manage to come. They hope to come back to see more of the island, since one
week is certainly not enough for a visit to Crete. Tourists, take note: Greece
is a challenging place to live, but still a truly wonderful place to visit.
came upon us suddenly about a week early this June, with temperatures up in the
90s, the fuschia brilliance of bougainvillea climbing out of gardens, pink and
white oleander blowing in the wind by the roadsides, apricots, cherries, and
honeydew ripening, cicadas’ buzzing drone occasionally replacing birdsong,
multiple end of school performances and parties, and our closest brush yet with
a Grexit. At the farmers’ market, I heard one vendor calling out, “peponia san
baklavadakia,” or honeydew as sweet as baklava, and Crete does offer incredible
fresh produce. The weather moderated into comfortable temperatures here until
the end of this month, when the heat hit us again, but it is often relieved by
sea breezes. Now I smell the oleander and ripening figs baking sweetly in the
hot sun, reminding me repeatedly of the abundance around me on this fruitful
island, where every walk gives me a view of the endless blue of the sea.
the creditors allow Greece to take advantage of its talented people, its beautiful
islands, its historical heritage, its lovely beaches, its abundant olives and
other produce. May the Greeks find a way to use the great potential of the
people and the land for an economic comeback. Tourists, consumers, writers, you
can help too. Come to Greece, buy Greek olive oil, wine, olives, feta, and other Greek products. Write to politicians and editors in
support of the Greek people. So many prominent economists blame non-Greek
bankers and politicians at least as much as Greeks for the situation here that
I have lost track of them. But whatever you think about the adults, Greek
children are certainly not to blame for the mess the country is in. They
deserve your support.
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