A Summer Evening in Chania, the Immigrants’ Hangout, and Help for Syrian Asylum Seekers
In July, a week and a half after the Anti-Racist Festival I described in
my July blog, my Greek friend K and I spent an unusual evening out without our
families in a pleasant part of Chania featuring cafés, restaurants, shops, and
new cobblestone streets. Next to an attractive little fair trade store called
Terra Verde, we were disappointed to find Κοινωνικό Στέκι – Στέκι Μεταναστών (Koinoniko Steki – Steki Metanaston)
closed, although we’d been told that it was generally open on Wednesday
evenings in the summer (and much more often in the winter). I’d wanted to visit
that Social Hangout and Hangout of Immigrants--Steki, or Hangout, for short—for
some time. The door to Steki was ajar, so we were able to walk into the
entrance hallway, with its shelves of brochures and booklets, and add my bag of
used books to the bags of clothes that had been donated there. Some other women
in makeup and colorful dresses went in to select the clothes they needed, as
they were welcome to do. But I didn’t get to see the café space, so I had to
content myself with taking photos of the outside of the attractive old,
restored row house.
At Steki,
migrants and the general public can relax and enjoy coffee or drinks at low
prices. On Sundays, they are offered a free lunch; other days, they can take
free language lessons in Greek, English, Arabic, and Spanish. Various groups
and committees meet there, focusing on the needs of immigrants, the homeless,
prisoners, fair trade, and single parents. A music and dance collective of
Greeks and foreigners, Yar Aman (Turkish for “My Love”), practices there and
gives free performances and concerts with traditional Greek, Turkish, Arab, and
Mediterranean music and dances. (My father, an avid international folk dancer,
would have joined them if he’d lived long enough to visit us here.) People at
Steki participate in various activist events, for example helping to organize
the Anti-Racist Festival, advocating the establishment of a homeless shelter in
Chania, and assisting the 154 Syrian asylum seekers whom the Greek Coast Guard
brought to Crete when their rusty old boat couldn’t make it to Italy from Egypt
last spring.
In that
emergency assistance effort, Steki joined an impressive, unusually united front
of other leftist grassroots organizations, local and regional government
agencies, religious and medical institutions, the Red Cross, Doctors of the
World, and other non-governmental and military organizations, who together
provided food and medical care and arranged for clothing and a place to stay
for the Syrians and the larger number of Egyptians who arrived with them. After
several days, the Egyptians were taken away, with the adults likely to be
deported and the one hundred and two unaccompanied minors sent to hostels in
Athens and Thessaloniki, with the hope that at least some could be sent to
relatives living legally in Europe. The five unaccompanied Syrian children were
sent to the Center for Unaccompanied Underage Asylum Seekers in Anogia, Crete
which I discussed in last month’s blog, expecting to join relatives in Germany
later. The Syrian adults and families were divided between Rosa Nera (which Social Text calls “a squatted socialcenter”)
above Chania’s Old Port, and a hotel in Nea Chora, Chania, where the government
paid for a limited number of days of lodging. There was an attempt to evict the
Syrians from the hotel once the government stopped paying the bill. However, no
other solution was found for them, and they did not have permission to go where
they wanted, so many apparently ended up staying in the hotel for months—some
even remaining now--while others have been taken in by Syrians already
established in Chania, and still others have left for other European countries
using falsified documents, according to reporter George Konstas. The Syrian
asylum seekers lacked food and clothing, but grassroots and nongovernmental
organizations such as Steki and the Community Kitchen have attempted to provide
those, for example joining the Chania Migrants’ Forum and the Rosa
Nera group to collect food at a hip hop concert organized earlier this month for
that purpose.
The Community Kitchen
That July night in Chania, K and I had better luck with our attempt to
visit the Κοινωνική Κουζίνα (Koinoniki
Kouzina) or Community Kitchen, a soup kitchen where K and my dentist’s
assistant have helped out, than we did with Steki. It’s the only soup kitchen
in Greece that’s unaffiliated with a church, yet open nightly year-round since
it opened. Around 8:30, one Greek man and three immigrant men were getting
ready to open for dinner, setting tables with knives, forks, napkins, cups, and
bread, cutting up enough zucchini to fill an enormous tub to go with another
huge tub of boiled potatoes and an immense pot half full of lentils. K greeted
the Greek man I’ll call Stavros and the Moroccan I’ll call Hassan, whom she
knew from her own volunteer work there, and we went inside, a few steep steps
down from street level. We saw eight pairs of schoolroom tables with four
chairs set up at each, a sink next to the steps, a bigger table at the far end
of the long room, full of the huge tubs and pots of food, and a kitchen area
behind the table with two donated ovens and two donated refrigerators. The
walls were decorated with posters from anti-fascist festivals, quotations from
famous people, and school children’s drawings and posters, plus a large mural
I’d photographed at the Community Kitchen’s Anti-Racist Festival stall. K asked
who’d painted that, and Hassan said he had. We complimented his work and
learned that he could cook, too. K asked if he knew how to make couscous and
falafel. She’d had limited luck with recipes she found online, but Hassan soon
told her where she’d gone wrong. Then he resumed preparations for what turned
out to be just 30 people’s dinner, since it was Ramadan, many of the Kitchen’s
clients are Muslim, and they tend to break their daily fast at their mosque.
Some men ate at the Community Kitchen, while others took food away to share
with those at home, which is typical, since only a few women and children come there
to eat.
We returned to speak with Hassan and Stavros around 9:30, when they were
closing the Community Kitchen. We sat to talk (in Greek and English) over
drinks and snacks we ordered at an outdoor café table across the street from
the Kitchen, in the cool semi-darkness of streetlights. Later, the Greek volunteer
I’ll call Eleni joined us. I learned that this soup kitchen had been started
three and a half years ago, during the grassroots Indignados, or Indignants, grassroots
citizens’ protest movement in the square in front of the indoor tourist market,
or Agora, in downtown Chania. A young woman had realized that some people who
joined the Indignants’ discussions were hungry, and she decided to bring them
some food. After a few weeks, she disappeared, perhaps to get married and move
away, but others continued what she’d started. Later, when temperatures dropped
and the rains came in the winter, the Community Kitchen moved to its present
location in a room off the back of a public junior high school. A true
grassroots effort, it has continued to fill a clear need for free, healthy
sustenance in these years of economic crisis in Greece, thanks to the
dedication of many volunteers and the offerings of donors. Approximately thirty-five
people cook for the kitchen in their homes; food can be reheated on the stoves in
the Community Kitchen. Ten people, the majority possibly now migrants, form the
core of helpers and organizers. They can always use more help and
donations—especially right now. (Post a comment including your email address if
you’d like to make a donation, and I’ll see how we can arrange it.)
When the
Community Kitchen first opened, up to two hundred people (mostly migrant men) would
line up outside to wait their turn to eat, disturbing shopkeepers nearby since
their business was decreasing due to patrons’ discomfort with those crowds. The
opening hour was pushed back to 9:00 p.m.—a reasonable supper time in
Greece—for a while to accommodate the unhappy shopkeepers, who also involved
the mayor and city council in trying to move the community kitchen out of its
rent-free public space. I asked if churches couldn't offer space, but K said
they have their own soup kitchens, which many undocumented migrants hesitate to
use since churches require everyone who eats there to register with them and
use an ID card. However, my wise friend K and another dedicated volunteer
talked with all the businesspeople who had objected to the soup kitchen’s
location near their shops. They listened carefully to the shopkeepers’
concerns, noting them down and responding so thoughtfully and calmly—a highly
unusual occurrence between people with opposing ideas in Greece, where there’s
no such thing as mediators or conflict resolution specialists, although the
country desperately needs them--that the concerns melted away, along with the
lines waiting in the street.
The Community
Kitchen offers migrants more than nightly meals, collecting clothes for them,
sponsoring free concerts, and occasionally sending an unofficial advocate to
support, negotiate, or intervene if a migrant they know is arrested, to vouch
for those they know as peaceable members of the community. Greek social
scientist Dr. Irene Sotiropoulou tells me that she and some of the other volunteers
attempt to raise awareness about various cultures, for example by presenting
free viewings of movies from different countries in different languages, with
subtitles in Greek and sometimes English, to help Greeks and different migrants
(Bulgarians, Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians, etc.) understand each other
better. Every few months, musicians or puppeteers donate their time, and others
donate their cakes, to raise funds at concerts where donations are requested
and refreshments are available for sale. Businesses, farmers, hotels, and
restaurants provide leftover food, and some individuals offer money, but as
economic conditions have gotten worse in Greece, donations have come in more
Scapegoating: Racist Attacks on Migrants, Roundups, and Detention
In July, I was told that there were not as many migrants around compared
with previous years, because many have tried to leave Greece during the
economic crisis due to a lack of work or, in some cases, because of racist
attacks. During the past year, Eleni said, there’s probably been an average of
120 or so eating at the Community Kitchen nightly—as opposed to the earlier
average of 200—although it varies widely, with more coming during
olive-collecting season. And 250 appeared on at least one recent August night, Irene
Sotiropoulou told me, probably including some of the Syrian refugees who
arrived in the spring, whom the Kitchen has consistently attempted to feed as
needed, challenging as it has been to find enough food for everyone. On the
other hand, Hassan said there were many more Moroccans in Chania three years
ago; many of them have left. He also knew one Algerian whose arm had been cut
badly, after which he left Greece, and he mentioned an Egyptian whose kidney had
been crushed by a huge stone, after which he also departed. Now, there aren’t
any more racist attacks in the part of downtown Chania where we were sitting,
because there are so many immigrant-friendly groups there that a few phone
calls would swiftly summon 300 people to a migrant’s defense. I’ve heard that a
member of the Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn was even thrown into the harbor.
But in other parts of Chania, such as Halepa, where there aren’t as many of
their friends around to provide support, it’s apparently more dangerous for
migrants. And that’s even truer in Athens, where the Syrian refugees feared to
go; they resisted an effort to send them there earlier this month.
I’ve read newspaper accounts and human rights groups’ descriptions of
violent attacks on Egyptian, Bangladeshi, Algerian, Pakistani, Kenyan, Iraqi,
Nigerian, Albanian, Afghan, Sudanese, and Congolese migrants in Greece, many of
them allegedly carried out by members or supporters of Golden Dawn, which won
9.4% of the Greek vote in European Parliament elections in May. Scapegoating of
dark-skinned and undocumented migrants is increasingly common for Greeks frustrated
by social and economic hardship, since many blame impoverished foreigners for
worsening the mess the country is in, for stealing, and for taking their
jobs—although most migrants are very willing to work at jobs (such as
construction, yard work, road work, farm labor, cleaning, and elder care) which
most Greeks prefer not to do. Dr. Irene Sotiropoulou points out that racist
views enable easier exploitation of people who are “different,” which provides
economic benefits for the exploiter (for example, via low payment or no payment
for work). She says many feel a need to “create a community out of hatred–which
is wrong, of course.” Now immigrants are an easy target (personal interview,
Chania, June 3, 2014). Informal initiatives by grassroots anti-fascist
activists in groups such as ΚΕΕΡΦΑ (ΚΕΕRFA), the
Movement Against Racism and Fascism, seek to prevent attacks and raise
awareness in communities throughout Greece, and volunteers at such places as
the Community Kitchen and Steki do what they can to help, but there is a great
deal of work to do before racist and xenophobic views will be overcome.
Meanwhile, migrants have been attacked and beaten, and sometimes
murdered, with fists, knives, and guns; their belongings have been scattered,
smashed, and burnt. They are discouraged from reporting attacks to the police,
both because they fear detention and deportation if they lack legal residence
documents, and because they are often charged 100 euros to file a complaint,
which police also say is unlikely to lead to an arrest if victims can’t
identify their attackers (What About Really Tackling Racist Violence in Greece?). Human Rights
Watch’s Eva Cossé cautions that the government’s attempts to win back
conservative voters who have shifted toward Golden Dawn by cracking down on
immigrants has worsened the situation by appearing to legitimize “Golden Dawn’s
rhetoric, which in turn has helped to push the government to adopt further
policies targeting immigrants” (Greece: The Story Behind Golden Dawn’s Success). Many human rights groups and
activists have castigated the government for inadequate responses to racist and
xenophobic violence and for the often harsh treatment of migrants by police,
for example in the ongoing “Xenios Zeus” roundup of people who appear foreign
(including some African Americans) that started in August 2012, in which almost
124,000 foreigners were arrested, but only 6,910 (5.6%) were found to be
undocumented migrants, through June 2013 (the period for which the government
has provided statistics, as far as I know). The undocumented migrants are often
imprisoned in overcrowded, substandard jails or detention centers; even many
who are here legally are subject to abusive searches and at least brief
detainment even without any criminal charges (see, for example, “Dispatches: Greece – Two Years of Abusive Police Sweeps”).
Some migrants
who went from Crete to Athens to try to leave Greece for other parts of Europe
instead ended up in the detention centers which Hassan calls “filaki,” or jail,
and Irene Sotiropoulou and other activists call “concentration camps.” (See my July blog and the links in it for more about those centers.) Hassan and Eleni
agree that the detention centers are no better than jails, since no one is
allowed to leave them for eighteen months or more. He knows someone who was
released from one after eighteen months due to good behavior, but he’s heard
that those who are viewed as troublemakers in the detention centers may be
stuck in them for two or three years, in spite of a law against such long-term
detention. And last spring the Greek State Legal Council decreed that migrants could
be detained beyond the previous limit of eighteen months if they refuse to
agree to “voluntary” repatriation, although all the reports I see about the
conditions in most migrant detention centers remain horrifying (Greek State Legal Council justifies detention pending removal beyond 18-month limit set by EU Return Directive).
A new Greek law went into effect on June 1 which stated that
undocumented migrants may leave Greece, but it does not seem to guarantee that
impoverished migrants may go anywhere safe, or to insist that detention center
gates be opened. The law seems likely to benefit middle-class and wealthy
migrants rather than those who most need help. We will see if it has any effect
on the Yazidi refugees fleeing the threat of murder by the Islamic State in
Iraq. It is unclear whether it has helped the migrants from war-torn Syria, who
were clearly eligible to apply for asylum as refugees in Greece (yet initially
prevented from doing even that), but not so clearly eligible to apply in the
other countries in Europe where they actually wanted to go, given the
problematic Dublin Regulation I discussed last month. They were apparently
given permission to remain in Greece for six months, presumably while
applications for asylum were considered (although such applications often take
years to process), but they could not even submit such applications while
trapped (as another blogger put it) in Crete. In any case, the Syrians did not
want to stay in Greece; they’d been bound for Italy initially, with many aiming
to join relatives in other European countries. What were they supposed to do? They
were afraid of being sent to Athens, where life would have been more dangerous
for them, or to a migrant detention center, where they could have been stuck
indefinitely in dreadful conditions; and they were not told they were free to
go where they wished to go, to a safer land where they would be free to build a
new life.
On the other hand, “Hakim,” an Algerian in his thirties, managed to build a satisfactory new life in Crete, his chosen destination, ten years ago. Able to speak Arabic, French, Greek, and a bit of English, he responded to my questionnaire in a conversation with my friend K. Born in Algiers, he has lived in Chania for ten years, but his family is still in Algeria. He first came to Crete after his father died, leaving him responsible for the support of his mother and three younger brothers. With wages very low in Algeria, and much higher in Greece ten years ago, as he heard from many friends who had come here, he thought he’d have a better life here. So he left home with only the clothes he was wearing and embarked on a difficult, expensive journey, traveling by land (often by bus) across North Africa and then through Turkey, like all the migrants he knows from Algeria, making his way without a smuggler or bribes. I was surprised to learn that he has been to Algeria and back a few times since moving here. He was stopped by the Greek authorities many times, but when the computer databases revealed no criminal record, he was simply sent back to Algeria. When he came over the border at night, he managed to stay.
Hassan, on the
other hand, said that after living in Greece for ten years, if one has proof of
entry ten years ago (e.g. from a hospital visit or the police), one can obtain documents
necessary to remain here legally. Irene Sotiropoulou adds that there is an
entire industry devoted to legalizing immigrants who can afford to pay lawyers,
government fees, and translators; they are required to apply through a lawyer,
and it all becomes quite expensive. (But it is legal to require immigrants to
pay thousands of euros a year for this.) She suggests that decisions about who
is granted citizenship seem to be rather arbitrary, so applicants don’t know whether
they’ll be denied, after paying substantial fees and going through the whole process.
Renewal of residence papers is based on evidence of social security
contributions, which many employers don’t pay. Apparently, many employers call
the police to report illegal immigrants instead of paying them what they are
due for their work. Indeed, Hakim says the only person in Greece who treated
him badly was one boss in Kissamos who didn’t pay him on time or pay the full
amount he was due. Rather than protest—a risky business for a migrant--Hakim
simply went to work for someone else. Now life is harder here in Crete, and Hakim
and his friends can only find work in the fields. Still, he does not complain.
His Algerian friend points out that there are good and bad people everywhere,
both immigrants and natives. Good or bad, many Greeks say the poorest are the
most hospitable. K mentioned that she liked couscous, and Hakim offered to make
her some.
Cross-Cultural and Multicultural Hope and Tolerance?
Irene Sotiropoulou suggests that in the region of Thraki, or Thrace, in
northeastern Greece, near Turkey, Turkish, Greek, Romanian, Roma, Christian,
Muslim, and Jewish people mix harmoniously in what may be Greece’s most
multicultural and most tolerant region. People don’t ask about ethnic or social
origin or political beliefs; they respect differences, try to avoid reproducing
discrimination, and defend their neighbors. If only that were true in more of
the country and more of the world. Chania offers some multicultural, tolerant
hope, with its synagogue, minarets and churches, its Jews, Muslims, and
Christians, its many immigrant-friendly organizations, and its annual
Anti-Racist Festival. Here, I can buy a
small, dark-skinned stranger an ice cream cone, make a donation to Doctors of
the World and the Community Kitchen, put nonperishable food in the bins for the
needy at the supermarket, and leave some used clothes and books at Steki, but
how can we stop the wars, conflicts, epidemics, inequality and poverty that
lead desperate people to seek work and refuge far from their homelands? I can
write about a few of the migrants and about the racism that leads to
intolerance and violence against so many people viewed as “different,” hoping
to increase people’s understanding of our common humanity, but then what can we
do next to really make progress?
Trapped (from a blog full of citations)
Apokoronas Friends of the Chania Red Cross
The blog entry “Trapped” used the following Greek-language sources from the local paper Haniotika Nea, among others (which can be very roughly translated using Google’s translation tool, for example):
Conference in the Region about Hosting Migrants
Shelter for 345 Migrants (video)
For the Rescue and Hosting of 345 Immigrants: Unprecedented mobilization
In the Case of 345 Immigrants: Six arrests for trafficking in human beings
Forward to Hostels: The end of the adventure of underage refugees
For links to additional information about immigrants in Greece, see my June and July blog entries.